The Adventure Wiki
Dungeons and Dragons

Simon Kaine
Simon Kaine
Player: [Spoony]
Class: Thief
Race: Halfling
Gender: Male
Level: 2
Weapon(s): Shortsword/Sling
Character Sheet
15 STR
10 CON
17 DEX
14 INT
15 WIS
13 CHA


Niall the Deuce, a street urchin who was adopted by a benevolent head of state and raised as his ward, trained in the art of swordplay and etiquette to be a refined gentleman. Now he lives as an outlaw, wanted for the murder of that same man! He's fled the country, a death sentence hanging over his head... Now he seeks to evade the bounty hunters who work for the new sovereign, seeking to capture him and publicly execute him. And perhaps someday clear his name and find the true culpirt....
